Esse foi o vídeo que postei ontem, contando tudoooo sobre todas as minhas entrevistas que tive e o tão sonhado MATCH =]
Assim ficava o meu perfil... Essas foram todas as famílias que entraram em contato comigo =]
Segue algumas perguntas que acho importante vocês fazerem para as famílias:
1) What are the kids
favorite games and toys?
2) The kids in the
school? How she goes to school? How far is the school?
(aqui já dá uma brecha pra eles falarem algo de carro)
3) What do they usually
4) Is there any kind of
food that you don't eat?
5) Do they suffer from any
kind of allergies?
6) What will be my
responsibilities with each kid?
7) Will I be responsible
for any household duties? If so, which ones?
8) Have you ever had an au
pair before?
9) What qualities do you
find important in an au pair? (Eles adoram essa pergunta)
10) What date you want the au pair?
10) What date you want the au pair?
13) What are the
house's rules? (essa eles adoram também)
ESSAS SÃO AS QUE EU ACHO MAIS IMPORTANTE, mais se vocês quiserem mais, nesse site aqui tem um montão também:
e esse também:
Aqui vou colocar algumas perguntas que as famílias podem fazer pra vocês:
Child Care Experience
• What time of the day do you normally take
care of children?• What is the longest amount of time that you
have taken care of children by yourself?•Was this during the daytime or evening? How
did you feel at the end of that time?• What experience do you have changing diapers
( “nappies”), preparing lunches, cookingmeals for children, driving children around?
(You should ask about child careactivities that you would assign to her.)• What do you do when a child does something
he should not do?• What do you do when you ask a child to do
something and he won’t listen?• How can you make bed time fun and easy?• If a child gets angry and cries and kicks,
what would you do?• What can you do if a brother and sister are
fighting, arguing, or can’t play togethernicely?• What can you do if two children want your
attention at the same time?• How can you help a child who cries when his
mother leaves?• Give an example of a specific situation when
your child was difficult and ask what theapplicant would have done had they been caring
for the child.• Have you ever taken care of more than one
child by yourself? How did you feel?• Do you think of yourself as a supervisor, teacher, friend, or playmate when you aretaking care of children? Why?• Do you prefer to take care of children who are a certain age? Gender? Why?• What activities do you like to do with children?• What age child have you helped with homework? What courses did you like the mostin school? What courses did you do the best in at school?
Homesickness and culture shock• What is the longest period of time you have spent away from your family and friends?Did you ever get sad or lonely because you were away from them? When did you missthem most? What did you do about it?• Have you ever spent time in another country? What things were the same? Whatthings were different? What was the most difficult thing to figure out while you werethere?• What do your parents think about your decision to become an au pair/companion? Doyou think they will visit you while you are in the U.S.? How do you plan to keep intouch with them?• Do you have a significant other? If so, how do they feel about your decision to becomean au pair/companion? Do you think they will visit you while you are in the U.S.?How do you plan to keep in touch with them?• What do you do when you’re sad?• What do you do when you feel like you are under a lot of pressure?
Fitting into your lifestyle• Do you live with your family members now? If not, when was the last time that youdid?• Do your parents have any rules that you must follow while you are in the house? Doyou let your parents know where you are going and what time you will return? Do youhave to be home by a certain time at night? How do you feel about house rules?• Based on the time of day that you will start work (give a concrete example), what timedo you think you would need to be asleep in order to take good care of the children thenext day?• Who is responsible for things like cooking, cleaning and doing laundry in your house?How much is everyone expected to help? How much do you help?• Describe your town or city. What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it?• Tell what you usually do from the time that you wake up until the time that you go tosleep. How much television do you watch? How much time do you spend reading ordoing other quiet activities? How much time do you spend with other people? Howmuch time do you spend talking on the telephone?• If someone were to describe you, what would they say? How would they describe theway you act with other people? How would they describe the way you act with children?
• If you took a picture of your room right now, what would it look like? Are you neat ormessy? How would you feel living with someone who is neat or messy?• Do you plan your day in advance or do you like things to “just happen”?• When you go out with your friends (and/or significant other), where do you typicallygo? What do you typically do? How many times each week do you go out withfriends?
Family life• Describe the kind of relationship that you have with your parents. Describe the kindof relationship that you have with your brothers and sisters. What activities do you dotogether as a family? What is your favorite thing to do together?• What is the best memory you have of your family?• When you make a decision, who are you most likely to ask for advice?• Who will you miss the most? Why?
Health• How many times a year do you usually go to the doctor because you are sick?• Do you regularly see the doctor for a medical condition such as allergies, asthma, diabetes,epilepsy, etc.?• Do you regularly take any medication?• What are your favorite foods to eat? What kinds of foods do you usually eat? Arethere any kinds of foods that you cannot eat? Are you a vegetarian? Do you follow akosher diet?• Do you have any allergies (ask specifics) to pets that you did not put down on your applicationform? Are you comfortable around pets?• Do you smoke cigarettes on a daily basis? Do you smoke cigarettes when you go outat night? If so, do you think that you will be able to stop smoking when you are in thehouse and car and around the children?
Educational and cultural issues
• What things would you like to see and do while you are in the U.S.? Do you have anyhobbies or activities that you would like to continue doing while in the U.S.? Are thereany new activities that you would like to do while in the U.S.?• What classes would you like to take while you are in the U.S.?• What do you plan to do at the end of your year? What do you think you will be doingtwo years from now? Five years from now?
Driver’s license (if applicable)• How many months or years have you been driving? How many times per week doyou drive? What kinds of roads do you normally drive on (highway, “motorway”,country)?• What kind of vehicle do you drive?• Have you ever been stopped by a policeman while you were driving because you didsomething wrong? If so, what happened?• Have you ever had a traffic accident? If so, what happened?• Do you know where you can get an international driver’s license or where you can findout how to get an international driver’s license?• How would you feel about driving the children (list specifics)?• How would you feel if we cannot provide you with a car?• Can you drive a manual transmission (car with manual gears)? Are you responsiblefor taking care of a car now?
IMPORTANTE: Eles gostam de jogar situações para vocês meninas. Por exemplo: Se fulano brigar com ciclano o que você faz?
Essas foram as perguntas que a família que me mandou e-mail fez e as minhas respostas estão aí também para ajudar vocês:
1) What do you think your day will be like with Maggie and Owen? What will you do with them?
I will hang out the park, the beach, the zoo, song, dance, tell stories, play the ball, watch educational movies, teach educational activities, art crafts, teach swim. All this routine adapting them.
2) How would you react when Maggie misbehaves, or does not do what you ask?
I watch the program from super nanny and I think very important to look into the eyes of the child and explain what she is doing wrong and why it is wrong, as I do with my niece and she always understand.
3) How would you handle nap time, meal struggles, or jealously with Maggie? Or when Owen is fussy?
I always joke of airplane during meals (the children always love), make mealtime fun with food-shaped face, cart, little flowers, hearts, etc., is cool (they love) and always make different foods and tasty. Always give equal attention to both and always doing activities involving Owen and Maggie and Maggie always include activities with Owen.
4) Do you think you should treat younger and older children equally? How would you treat Maggie and Owen differently?
The way to handle it is different because Maggie has more activities and is more independent and Owen have to be more cautious because he is a baby and can not do anything alone.
5) What do you think will be the biggest challenge in regards to living with a foreign family?
Different culture, improve a new language, a different climate and living with a new family, with different customs and routines.
6) How would you approach us if you have any problems or issues during your stay?
The dialogue is very important, anything that is not pleasing, the best option is always to talk and explain both sides.
7) How would you spend your time off? What things would you do when you are not watching Owen & Maggie?
Studying for my English better, read the book, watch movies, hang out with friends, working out and meet new places.
8) Do you have any specific requests for when you'd like to take your vacation?
I have no preference date.
9) How much time do you spend on the internet/computer? Do you have a laptop that you will be bringing with you?
One hour a day, usually half an hour in the morning and half an hour before bedtime. I have a lap top, I'll leave it to my parents, to be able to talk with them skype.
Bjusssss no coração... ;)
Qualquer pergunta estou à disposição =]
Adorei seu Blog, sou nova aqui, e suas informações foram bem vindas :)
ResponderExcluirOie Lilian Obrigada florzinha...
ResponderExcluirPrecisando conte comigo ;)
Vou te adicionar aqui no meu ;)
Adorei as dicas! Bjos Bianca Monteiro
ResponderExcluirObrigada =]